Microbial Fuel Cell Measurement System

Measurements Made by the System:
Monitoring the Current and Recording
Monitoring and Recording of Current Density, External Power and External Energy Values
Online Measurement of Internal Resistance
Internal Power and Energy Losses Measurement (Efficiency)
Possibility of Measurement at Constant Current and Constant Battery Potential
Cronopotentiometry Measurement
Cronoampermetry Measurement
DC Impedance Measurement
AC Impedance Measurement
Lissajous Impedance Measurement
Nyquist Impedance Measurement
The system is completely manufactured with domestic technology. Software and design are completely owned by our company.
Microbial fuel cell technology, also known as biological fuel cell, is a bioelectrochemical system.In the microbial fuel cell, electric current is produced by imitating the bacterial interactions found in nature. Microbial fuel cells are a recently developed technology and the most efficient operating point has not yet been determined. The bacteria used in this system, the type of ion curtain, and the temperature at which the system works best are still not well understood.
Microbial fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy thanks to the catalytic reactions provided by microorganisms. A typical microbial fuel cell consists of the anode and cathode areas separated by a positively charged ion membrane. In the anode area, the fuel is oxidized by microorganisms and as a result electrons and protons are produced. Thanks to an external electrical circuit, protons are transferred through the membrane to the cathode area. When electrons and protons pass to the cathode side, they are absorbed and consumed by the oxygen in the water.
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